
other quotes

Will just sit here in James' jacket (very comfortable by the by, and send another thankyouverymuch his way) and laugh arse off.

Oh look there it goes now.
Remus (Shoebox Project)

Anyway we only almost got arrested once, and that was a mistake, I'd never seen that goat before in my life.
Sirius (Shoebox Project)

I do believe in commas. I do, I do.
Remus (Shoebox Project)

Does she have a name? Or is it just Blinded By Exhibitionist Boys Whom She Has The Misfortune Of Vacationing Alongside? I like that. It sounds very Native American.
Remus (SBP)

To pee or not to pee is hardly the question.
Remus (SBP)

Tell Sirius that if he wants to have a wank over my letters he should most definitely do it in the bathroom and not in public because think of the neighbors, dear boy, think of the neighbors.
Remus (SBP)

This obsession with punctuation marks signals, I think, a disturbing fixation on minutiae that can lead only to eventual madness and a solitary death surrounded by cats and a thousand folded pairs of socks.
Sirius (SBP)

Do I rev your engine Moony? Eh EH do I? nudge nudge wink wink etc ad nauseaum.
Sirius (SBP)

Peter (SBP)

Maturity being our middle name. Our collective middle name. Sirius and Remus Maturity Black-Lupin.
Sirius (SBP)

When the revolution comes, you will not be eaten.
Sirius (SBP)

Remus: You're just--also inordinately fond of licking people. You are, you know!
Sirius: Not helpless sixteen year old girls! -- Well, actually. But not while pretending to be a dog! --Well, actually--
(Shoebox Project)

His belly under his robes quivers like a bowl full of evil.

Sirius (SBP)

Oh -- righto -- let me just get ow bloody fuck bugger shit very low roof.
Sirius (SBP)

Look. A Dumbledore.
Sirius (SBP)

Sirius (SBP)

You stole my cake? I thought I ate it while I wasn't paying attention.
Sirius (SBP)

I've enough trouble talking to people. I'd be a glutton for punishment, getting myself into talking to girls.
Remus (SBP)

Sirius: Girls like you.
Remus: They'll get over it.

Fucking -- fuck, Padfoot! Fucking fuck!
James (SBP)

"Owfuck," Sirius says, and goes down, aided by a large, only somewhat visible, and certainly low branch.

James pauses only for an instant to take his trousers.

James remembers having a nightmare like this, once, except in the nightmare he wasn't wearing pants and he was being chased by an army of rabbits.

Hey, Remus, you know what we should do? You should throw something, and I should jump up and get it and bring it back! And then you could throw something else and I could jump up and get it and bring it back! Or you could throw the same thing and I could go get it again! It would never stop being fun!
Sirius (SBP)

I have your saliva in my left nostril. Other than that I have no idea WHAT to say.
Remus (SBP)

You're all barking! Especially Sirius, ha ha ha, oh God.
Remus (SBP)

Which one of you lot Transfigured my towel while I was in the bath? You can answer honestly, I'm going to kill you all anyway.
Lily (SBP)

"Bad--" Sirius goes pale all over, slumping as if all the air has gone out of his body, as if Remus has just stabbed him. "B--bad dog?"

I don't care what tomorrow is. It's just as bad as today only I get to dread it first.
James (SBP)

Remus: Big idiot. Big sopping idiot.
Sirius: And so squishy.

Sirius: This is not Marauding behavior, this is -- this is -- we ought to be called The Wet Blankets! Well, the Wet Blankets And One Very Lonely Marauder, which is not much better.
Remus: Brilliant name for a band, though.

I am no one's cabbage before ten in the morning.
James (SBP)

What kind of fucked-up breasts have you been looking at?
Sirius (SBP)

She had lovely molecules.
James (SBP)

Oh God. My molecules. Oh God. They're moving. Remus. Remus, help me.
Peter (SBP)

It's all witticisms until someone loses an eye.
Sirius (SBP)

You are like a cabbage. Like a cabbage, with...leaves on top of more leaves. Except you're like an endlessly regenerating cabbage. Every time someone eats a leaf you get another one. If you ever want to have a conversation with someone, they can't be cabbagey about it. Do you think if someone farted enough they could make their own star? It's all gasses, innit?
Sirius, stoned (SBP)

You think thoughts are for just your thinking. Very selfish really.
Sirius (SBP)

Oh, I love drugs; I want to live in an opium den. An opium den with scalp massages.
Sirius (SBP)

I've always fancied saving the world.
James (SBP)

I will come when you least expect it and take away your moving copy of the Kama Sutra.
McGonagall (SBP)

You procrastinate, yes, and therein lies the secret of your eventual doom.
Remus (SBP)

I think I will save all my screaming like a girl for the privacy of my own home, not, of course, that I do any of that ever. When I scream it is for Stella to come and get me a new shirt as I have ripped mine off in a bout of manly rage.
Remus (SBP)

The air is filled with the uncanny sense of exclamation points!

Remus wonders why he is wearing a dress.

"YAUGH," Remus says, waking up. "YAUGH!" he insists, when no one answers him.

Remus feels triumphant. This time, he thinks, his innermost thoughts aren't giving him frilly panties.

They're giving one of his best, male friends frilly panties.

Remus feels a little less triumphant.

No. No urges. There are no urges.
Remus (SBP)

I love eggs! I love all sorts of eggs. I love scrambled eggs. I love deviled eggs. I love fried eggs. Boiled. Scrambled. I already said scrambled. That's just the way I get about eggs. Wonderful eggs. Delicious. Can't wait!
Sirius (SBP)

Your duck is slipping!
Remus (SBP)

It does seem as if you've found the world's largest leaf for the world's smallest prick. Congratulations, Sirius. I disown you! Disown. You are dead to me. I am eating all your sandwiches, dead people don't need them.
James (SBP)

James, this is really exciting! Stop looking like a fish and get excited about it!
Remus (SBP)

Sirius tries to look innocent and ends up looking evil.

Ahaha. I should probably apologize to James for lighting him on fire.
Sirius (SBP)

We're getting autographs. Don't say anything, it only makes you look like a madman when you talk to people you stalk.
Sirius (SBP)

I am the Sausage King.
Sirius (SBP)

It is so tempting. I have always wanted a manslave.
Gideon Prewett (SBP)

Also, I believe I must put arsenic in my brother's drink, terrible affair, really, and he was so young, too, and all that.
Fabian Prewett (SBP)

I don't stalk people. In which characteristic I am beginning to feel very alone.
Remus (SBP)

I just threw up inside. I'm about to throw up outside.
Remus (SBP)

Being crazy about someone isn't nice or passionate or deeply moving; it is, surprisingly enough, crazy.

Solidarity! Strength! Damn the pumpkins! Full speed ahead!
James (SBP)

James: I want a party. I didn't get one last year!
Sirius: This is because we do not love you. It is tragic.

Myself in icing is not for the consumption of the general public.
Sirius (SBP)

I forgot the entire conversation we were having while we were still having it.
James (SBP)

Good God. I am a forty year old in a boy suit.
Remus (SBP)

Remus: Sirius, you are friendly with cockroaches.
Sirius: An attitude like that and you won't be.

Peter gives Remus a look that says, Come, join me on the couch of impartiality. Or perhaps it says I have had too much pudding. There's a fine line between the two sentiments.

Sirius: Eggnog, then. Noggy eggs. Eggs that are somewhat nogged.
Remus: We will have food poisoning.
Sirius: We will have egg noggining.
Remus: Pardon. We will be nogged by your eggs.

You look so SMUG when you look so smug.
Sirius (SBP)

We gave up on you long ago. We all had a meeting without you and decided that, even though you give the most awful presents in the history of the world, we'd keep you around because your face is funny. Hah! Look, there it goes now. Being funny.
Sirius (SBP)

Bugger the eggs. Not literally.
Sirius (SBP)

Remus sighs, straightens, pauses for a moment of mediation to clear his mind, licks his lips nervously, and bites in. Deep. Hard. Cool. This isn't the sort of chocolate you sit on for a train ride to soften and get all over your fingertips. It's the sort of chocolate you dedicate yourself to -- it's the sort of chocolate you dream about. It shaves off around his teeth and he gets half of it into his mouth, poised on his tongue, resting just against his upper gums. Just chocolate. One of the dark ones. It tastes like the renaissance. He sucks it, drawing it meltingly against his tongue and back into his throat.

"Aghk," Sirius says.

All right, Moony, stop...licking yourself. It's distracting.
Sirius (SBP)

You're not fun to punch. You don't make amusing noises. I think you'd just deflate. James, on the other hand -- oh, the screaming! Fantastic.
Sirius (SBP)

Sirius: I didn't say anything. Unless the voices are back. They're not telling you to burn anything?
Remus: No. You're the only one who ever tells me to burn things.

It's a tragedy, you know, to love a woman.
Sirius (SBP)

I love you so much I spend all day wanting to flush myself down the toilet.
James (SBP)

I would die for those freckles. One day I probably will.
James (SBP)

He's always sort of wondered what it would be like, Remus in a fight, and imagined it would start with all coolness and sort of crazy kung-fu style movements and then at the end a great deal of stumbling and tripping over oneself.

Sirius: Haha! I am dripping on you. What are you going to do about that?
Remus: Get wet. Oh look. I already have. Your move.

But if any man of mine dies by jellyfish, it's my right to leave him behind; it's simply too ridiculous.
Sirius (SBP)

I've decided that after I graduate I'm going to be a pirate.
Sirius (SBP)

She makes being old look cool, Remus thinks, and wonders how it is that he cannot manage to do the same thing when he has the added advantage of not really being old.

Don't worry. I don't like a male specimen who is chiseled like a statue and carries my beach towels and dances like it's actually fun. I don't like any of those things. I like white string beans with fourteen left feet. Sometimes I worry that I must have been dropped on my head.
Lily (SBP)

Being in love is like having a prolonged stomach flu and, perversely, obstinately, insanely, never wanting to recover.

The problem with the question is that it implies that James is thinking something. He is, of course, but if directly translated, it would come out something like "HAGHFUFKGH HAHH NNNNNN," which is not helpful or sexy.

Sometimes I want to throw you in a vat of something.
Sirius (SBP)

I am going to call you Flamingo Tongue Cowrie. Agent Flamingo Tongue Cowrie. And I shall be Agent Nudie Pants.
Sirius (SBP)

She is, as she knows perfectly well, very emotionally mature and extremely competent and rarely at a loss for action or words, but this makes her realize with frozen immediacy the helplessness of being seventeen, and the strange, paradoxical futility of loving people.

That's it exactly, the subtle wrongness, the strange sensation of not quite fitting his own space in the world anymore. What he feels is not grief (he thinks, distantly, analytically) but confusion, as if walking down a familiar staircase to find that it has suddenly lost its bottom step. He's grown suddenly, and what used to fit into the air around him isn't there at all anymore. Now it's up to him, just him, to fill that emptiness. It would be much worse if it felt real, but he still harbors a human disbelief that traps him in moments such as these: where he opens his mouth to say something familiar, and finds that the natural words are no longer relevant.

James Potter doesn't want to rebuild what is natural around what is relevant.

Remus thinks sometimes that James and Sirius speak in a special code, and what is actually communicated can only be understood in the words they omit, the syllables they lose before they're said. There's always been something incomprehensible about Sirius and James. They've known each other too long, long enough that they've started to forget who draws what breath or bleeds what blood.

The most important thing in grave times is to believe that we may all live to see the end of them, together.
Albus Dumbledore (SBP)

Remus has thought about it often enough before. Not holding Sirius, not that, but rather the awkwardness of holding anyone, the way he doesn't know when to tighten his grip or let go. The possibility of bumping heads. The odds of catching someone else's hair on his buttons. The chances someone will smell something on him, last night's dinner or toothpaste or old sweater, that's somehow disagreeable or even loathsome. How easy it is to miscalculate someone's height. How easy it is to knock chins, elbows, noses. Remus has thought about it a lot of the time. He cringes at the idea of physical proximity and the heightened awareness it brings of his own physical ineptitude. He even thinks about it now in a vague and almost funny way as he realizes that when someone needs that closeness as much as you do it doesn't matter for shite if he can do it or if he can't. It's just the holding that counts. It's just the holding they'll remember.

For a moment he shudders again, and then he slowly disentangles himself from Remus's body. Without the weight of him Remus feels strange and suddenly pointless.

It's a little quiet thing, Remus thinks, growing up. It can happen in a garden or while someone blows his nose in your neck, and you might prefer that it would happen some other way, but then it's come and it's never going to go and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Sirius: I am getting the distinct impression that you are not hip to my jive. Are you or are you not hip to my jive?
Remus: Something is wrong in your brain.

Fabian touches his shoulder, the nape of his neck, the back of his head, his hand moving in fluttering useless graceful caresses. Remus thinks, I will never be able to touch anyone like that. Remus thinks, I want to. It comes from nowhere, an unbidden hunger, something like under a full moon but completely horribly wonderfully human. It's wanting to howl from the depths of his boyhood, his teenagerhood, his incipient manhood. It has everything to do with the workings of his human body. This howl is another kind of madness.

Something in Remus's heart cries out. He's always thought that was just an expression, just a metaphor, not your actual heart, but something about it must be true, because his chest actually aches.

There is a little thing called initiative, he thinks, and I am taking it. I am taking it right now. I am picking it up and walking out of the shop, because I have just grown a pair and I am not talking about boobs either.

Remus: That made no discernable sense.
Fabian: Life and being kissed by enormous poofters rarely does.

Fabian: This may sound a novel concept, but have you tried, you know, speaking with him about it?
Remus: Speaking with -- what? Oh God. Oh no. I couldn't. I mean, he's already -- there's this joke, d'you see, about how I keep a diary and I've girl bits and -- breasts and -- things, but -- if I tried to talk to him about feelings he'd, he'd stick apples down my shirt and call me Mary-Ann.
Fabian: And you'd let him?
Remus: Probably.
Fabian: You're probably incredibly bent then. At the very least you are incredibly bent for this extremely male person of yours.

My advice, my real advice, is don't let it fester. If you never know, it's worse. Perhaps only marginally, but the lesser of two evils is making a fool out of yourself and the comfort is knowing you'd the bollocks to do it.
Fabian Prewett (SBP)

Oh hell, oh hell, I am a woman.
Remus (SBP)

Sometimes I want to knock your head against walls and sometimes, sometimes, fine, I want to kiss you.
Remus (SBP)

Sometimes rocks have urges, too.
Remus (SBP)

"I'm," says Sirius raggedly, "this is, is this okay?"

"Well," Remus says, as honestly as possible, "no, it's pretty brilliant, don't you think?"

Sirius grins like the sunrise and whispers, "yeah." When he uncurls his fingers against the juncture of Remus's neck and jaw and kisses Remus again, laughing into his mouth, curving against his body, Remus is finally, finally ready to stop thinking about it.

There are fewer exchanges of the "Sirius, please stop putting jam in my hair and let me write this," variety, and more of the "Sirius, please stop..." and then a sort of vague trailing-off and loss of all motivation.

He can be sitting in class, genuinely fascinated by a lecture on techniques for the production of sentient publications, and then all of a sudden the professor will use some randomly unfortunate word, something like "hedgerow" and for no reason Remus goes all lightheaded and is completely unable to focus until he has somehow got Sirius into a stairwell and kissed him for a while, at which point he is able to get on with his day.

If Sirius were here right now, Remus would have to kiss him just to stop thinking about how disgusting he is.

Remus's stomach flies into the region of his eyeballs. When he has recovered, he says, as calmly as possible, "You have made me completely brain-dead."

Remus' nose goes wheet, wheet with every breath. Sirius' every breath goes hoomf, hoomf against Remus' neck. Remus is torn between vomiting everywhere and being quite pleased. If this is what being romantically involved with someone is about, then Remus is terrified. Somehow, despite all the wheet-wheeting and the hoomf-hoomfing and the nose slugs and the transfer of germs, people continue to love one another and reproduce and populate the earth and so on. The thought is staggering. Impossible. A little horrific.

Warm and tingly.

Remus would like to think of a witty, intelligent and interesting response that would put Sirius properly in his place, but the combination of hormonal brain-death and illness makes him say, instead, "Well,'re a...shut up."

You are even more manly than an uncooked noodle.
Lily (SBP)

When I said 'kill him,' I obviously meant 'stare coldly at him from across the room.'
James (SBP)

If you go back to socks now I'll -- do -- something. To your socks. It will be terrible. Oh, the weeping you will -- weep.
Sirius (SBP)

I would have brought pie. You like pie. Don't make it out as if I'm the mad one. We all like pie.
Remus (SBP)

You can't just go around lighting babies on fire.
Remus (SBP)

Remus doesn't mind if their song is sung to the rafters or if only they know it in the end.